Latest articles from Ian Smith

How the PPF designs its portfolio to beat liabilities

Martin Clarke, PPF

Video: The PPF's Martin Clarke explains how its hedging strategy helped the scheme's assets to outperform liabilities by more than 4 per cent in the year to March 2013, in this edition of Policymakers and Decision-makers (5:09).

Editorial: The politics of scale

Another week, another few tweaks to the shape of the workplace pensions market.

Royal British Legion to expand Pie after £1m saving


The Royal British Legion is working on a pension increase exchange offer for members coming up to retirement, after an exercise with the scheme’s pensioners last year knocked £1m off its deficit.

Derbyshire reduces auto-enrolment comms burden

Derbyshire County Council has taken steps to reduce its auto-enrolment communication costs, from record-cleansing to communicating through employers, as local authority schemes look to manage the cost of the reform.

Editorial: The metaphysics of quality

Contribution levels is the missing pillar within the government's call for evidence on DC scheme standards.

Bedfordshire offers representation for academies

Bedfordshire Pension Fund has decided to offer academies “observer” status on its pension committee, with the schools representing a growing and increasingly scrutinised proportion of local authority scheme membership.

Editorial: Time to review your auto-enrolment spend?

The spending review seems to have passed by without directly impacting workplace pension schemes.

Buyouts and buy-ins: the cost-benefit analysis

In this week's Head to Head feature, a provider and consultant give their views on how pension schemes can secure value in bulk derisking transactions.

Fidelity to launch mastertrust on employer demand

Fidelity Worldwide Investment is to launch a mastertrust in response to demand it has seen from blue-chip companies for tougher governance and bespoke investment strategies.

The DC Debate – is fee push harming innovation?


This edition of our quarterly feature asks DC experts what is stifling investment innovation, and whether scheme, employer or provider is responsible for achieving good governance.