Latest articles from Ian Smith

The Weekly Wrap: April 26 edition

A round-up of the pensions industry stories published across the FT Group – from better-than-expected economic figures to the prospect of supermarket-bought annuities.

Editorial: Keeping the wider picture

Over the past few months, Pensions Week has worked to sharpen its focus on how UK pension schemes and employers are tackling the problems that face them in securing an adequate retirement income for their members.

Editorial: Sticking to its GMP guns

There was much disappointment expressed last week that the government’s long silence on GMP equalisation did not preface the U-turn desired by those whose who will have to work through this arduous process.

Cadbury hedges fifth of assets to manage risk

Cadbury TEASER 150413

Cadbury Pension Fund has decided to hedge approximately a fifth of its assets to manage the impact of interest rate and inflation changes on its pension promises.

Editorial: Working with what you've got

Work and pensions minister Iain Duncan Smith had a tough week after his attempts to sell welfare changes to the electorate.

How Nest will recycle illiquid assets for younger members

The National Employment Savings Trust will pass illiquid assets from older to younger members to avoid being forced to sell them off, as the scheme builds up its real estate allocation.

How to build your investment committee

Unilever building TEASER

Should an investment committee hire and fire managers? How much should it take on? Two case studies from Unilever and Lloyds TSB’s DB pension schemes, in the latest In Depth.

More employers predicting lower opt-outs, survey reports

Data analysis: There has been a sizeable increase in the proportion of companies expecting lower opt-out rates, according to the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals' second annual auto-enrolment survey released today.

Editorial: you smooth, you lose

The smoothing dream died where it began: a short paragraph in a Treasury document that did not even make the main show.

Editorial: Become a trustee in a day

Fancy becoming a fully fledged trustee by this time tomorrow?