Latest articles from Ian Smith

The DC Debate – how will the government's focus on quality help managers?

DC growth

This edition of our quarterly feature asks DC experts what they would like to see come out of the focus on quality standards, the effect of mastertrusts on the market and getting value through scale.

Editorial: Lessons from Norway

Last week saw a four-hour strike by firefighters in England and Wales owing to changes to their pension terms which will force them to work for longer.

Rexam funding peak triggers risk reduction

Rexam Pension Plan took advantage of a brief funding peak earlier this year to increase its inflation hedging and insure against equity losses, as more schemes implement trigger-based derisking strategies.

Editorial: Value v quality

“Competition alone cannot be relied upon to drive value for money for all savers in the DC workplace pension market.”

Editorial: Embracing apathy

This year’s Leadership summit at the Waldorf Hilton left in its wake quite a few lessons, and some surprises too, about how pension schemes and providers are meeting today’s industry challenges.

How competition affects derisking opportunities

News analysis: Reduced competition in the derisking market could limit value for schemes despite opportunities from rising gilt yields, Leadership summit delegates heard, while other market experts defended prices.

Editorial: Freedom from want

The reaction to last week’s TUC report on state pension reform understandably focused on the results which, the union held, supported its claim that £144 a week would leave the “vast majority of people” worse off.

TfL weighs up fee bump from strategy shift

TfL graph

TfL Pension Fund had its investment management expenses increase by almost a fifth in the year to March, partly due to a strategy shift that added eight investment managers.

Editorial: Speak softly and carry a big stick

We may have taken our annual print break over the past three weeks, but online at we’ve ensured our summer holiday readers had plenty to browse through.

South Yorkshire bucks trend with equity allocation

South Yorkshire Pension Authority has increased its allocation to equities over the past three years, concluding that stock selection within its equity portfolios helped it produce positive returns against the benchmark.