Latest articles from Tom Dines

NESPF saves 108 days with new payroll software

North East Scotland Pension Fund has made “huge savings” in administration costs and time through its new payroll software, allowing it to focus on the changing structure of the Scottish Local Government Pension Scheme.

Debenhams splashes out more on recovery despite surplus

Debenhams (teaser)

Debenhams pension scheme trustees have secured higher employer contributions as part of the recovery plan despite having reached an IAS 19 surplus earlier this year, demonstrating the discrepancies between two scheme funding calculation methodologies.


BT takes the value for money debate to its members

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BT Pension Scheme has tabled a roadshow to gather its members' views on how they define value for money, in a wider effort to boost engagement.

The battle for DB: Ideas to turn around its fortunes

From the blog: Foggy heads met misty eyes on the morning after the gala dinner at last week’s NAPF/PLSA conference, as four high-profile industry figureheads laid out their ideas to save defined benefit in the DB Debate.

The format was simple: the experts pitched their ideas to the crowd, who then voted for their favourite. The person in last place was eliminated and the remaining experts continued their pitches.

Click here to read the full blog post

BBC couples derisking with flexibility for DB members

The BBC is offering a pension increase exchange to its pensioners, upping the options available to defined benefit members just months after offering to pay for advice for those considering transferring out of the scheme.

MNOPF considers closure to future accrual

NAPF 2015: The Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund could close to future accrual, the scheme’s pensions director told delegates, because the end of contracting out will increase the costs of the scheme for employers and members.

VWV boosts membership 13% through DC and savings platform

Law firm Veale Wasbrough Vizards increased both staff contributions and active membership of its pension fund after a scheme overhaul allowed members to view their Isas and investments alongside their pensions.

Whitbread: Learn from AE to save freedom and choice

NAPF 2015: The pensions industry must focus on simplification and consumer focus to ensure the success of freedom and choice, according to the chief executive of Costa Coffee owner Whitbread.

Lancashire drops bonds in favour of equity, credit and infrastructure

While everyone acknowledges the incredibly high price of gilts in the current environment, which is wreaking havoc with pension scheme funding levels, few have taken the controversial move of getting rid of their allocation to bonds altogether.

The Pensions Trust outperforms after investment governance change

Multi-employer scheme The Pensions Trust has changed its investment governance structure to reduce bureaucracy, beating its benchmark in the process.