Latest articles from Sade Laja

Schemes offered ethical scorecard for providers

Lobby group FairPensions has called on schemes to scrutinise their investment providers’ ethical performance, using its responsibility ratings of some of the UK’s biggest ethical fund managers.

Pensions committee MP: defined ambition plans 'not clear'

Plans for defined ambition are still not clear enough, despite the government's recent publication of a long-awaited paper into the idea, a select committee MP has said. 

Age UK calls for ‘drip-drip’ comms approach

Data analysis: The charity has urged schemes to adopt a gradual approach to providing pension information to employees, following government data showing different levels of knowledge among members and non-members.

Retail union battles to stem levelling down

Retail union Usdaw is in consultation with a number of medium-sized employers seeking to close existing pension schemes and introduce bare-minimum arrangements.

Target date gains traction for ease of message

UK pension schemes are showing a greater appetite for target date funds, according to consultants, as fund managers look to increase their defined contribution products.

Video: How to treat your deferred members

Mark Baker and Sade Laja

Mark Baker, senior associate at Pinsent Masons, explains schemes' duties to deferred members. Sade Laja asks the questions.

MP to meet regulator over ‘asset-stripping’ concerns

A Labour MP is due to meet with the Pensions Regulator in the next couple of weeks to air his concerns about foreign companies' responsibilities to UK pension-holders.

Nest may be viable for 6,000 BBC workers


Up to 6,000 workers at the BBC could use the National Employment Savings Trust from its staging date in May, rather than the broadcaster’s own scheme, according to its largest staff union.

Restrictions put SMEs off Nest, says CEO

Small and medium-sized enterprises are being put off Nest because of the restrictions imposed on the organisation, its chief executive has said.

Union threatens to veto LGPS pension fund plan

Unison, the largest union among public sector employees, has vowed to legally challenge plans to use local government pension funds to pay for housing projects.