Latest articles from Pippa Stephens

Schemes urged to prioritise longevity

Gaches, Andrew

Schemes must take into account diversity in longevity for effective management in the shift from defined benefit (DB) to defined contribution (DC), according to Club Vita

Annuity costs to rise with longevity

Gaches, Andrew

The government’s latest population estimates could cause the cost of annuities to rise as longevity increases

Inflation main concern for LDI in 2011

Following a busy year for liability-driven investment (LDI), Pippa Stephens looks at what the coming year has in store

Public sector schemes weigh up hybrid options

Polin, Jonathan

With mounting calls for public service schemes to adopt a career average approach, we look at the other forms of hybrid schemes available

Industry welcomes new PPF levy formula

Industry figures welcome the new formula, designed to increase predictability and stability of levy bills by fixing the levy rules for three years at a time, and introducing "average measures" for both underfunding and insolvency risk

BP error shows importance of data cleansing

Unclean data led to BP making an error in the payment of its pension schemes, it was revealed this week

Trustees seeking out non-traditional currencies

While speculation over currency wars seems overhyped, schemes are reassessing their foreign exchange fund managers

Trustees call for more accountable regulator

More than two-thirds of trustees and scheme managers have called for the Pensions Regulator to become more accountable to its community

Trustees must become risk managers, conference hears

Industy experts have called on trustees to become “risk managers” in the turbulent economic environment

Confusion over ETV backpedal

The government’s U-turn on enhanced value transfer value (ETV) exercises and contracting-out has received a cautious welcome from the industry.