Latest articles from Marian Elliott

Integrated risk management: Seeing the bigger picture

Marian Elliott

From the blog: What if I told you that a diagram from the Pensions Regulator is an example of the artistic technique of stippling – where individual dots of paint are used to build up a picture? 

The approach illustrated is essentially a framework on which to hang actuarial funding risk, investment risk and those risks relating to the strength of the sponsor’s business: their own investments, the market in which they operate and their continuing ability to support the pension scheme.

If trustees use the right framework, information from each adviser – actuarial, investment and covenant – can be pulled together to build up a clear picture of the risks the scheme is exposed to.

Click here to read full blog post

How the DB code's employer growth objective affects scheme funding

In a world where just one in five UK sponsors have a 'strong' covenant, Spence's Marian Elliott explains how trustees of such schemes can strike the balance between an appropriate investment risk strategy and reliance on employer contributions.

Four steps to a targeted, practical covenant review

In the latest edition of Technical Comment, Spence's Marian Elliott runs through four steps that schemes can take to achieve a successful employer covenant review.

Why trustees should be paid, and how much

Spence & Partners' Marian Elliott analyses the growing burden of the trustee role, and argues that those willing to take it up should be paid, in the latest edition of Informed Comment.