Latest articles from Katie Morley

Video: how to curb excess executive pay


Large institutional shareholders and corporate governance activists give their views on fighting back against runaway remuneration.

Regulator funding guidance offers little change to status quo

The Pensions Regulator’s latest guidance has not significantly relaxed rules on recovery periods or how most liabilities are calculated, despite earlier plans to.

Solvency II: UK schemes to give evidence

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The European Commission (EC) will turn to the UK’s largest pension schemes and the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) for advice on Solvency II.

DB faces greater problems than Solvency II

Pre-existing longevity and funding issues are a bigger threat to UK defined benefit schemes than Solvency II, the European Commission (EC) has argued.

Call to arms over government small pots failure

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Tax change proposals to encourage pensions saving have been sent to various government departments by Aviva and the International Longevity Centre (ILC).

Curb hidden excessive pay with 'double figure', says High Pay Centre

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An influential government think-tank has given the strongest indication yet that companies will no longer be able to cover up excessive executive pension payments.

LGPS merger plans thwart investment decisions

London pension fund merger discussions have caused some scheme managers to delay investment decisions, while others remain uninformed about the plans.

Experts: spend on sponsor growth to safeguard pensions

Sponsors sitting on cash piles must reinvest it into business growth – rather than putting it into pensions – to remain solvent in the long-run, experts say.

DC 30: auto-enrolment, opt-out and corporate ISAs

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The National Employment Savings Trust’s (Nest) telephone opt-outs have been given the green light and its competitors are expected to start offering them as a result. How detrimental, if at all, will this be to opt-out figures?

Ombudsman rules on bonus case

A woman who won a fight to make her bonus pensionable will make employers and trustees of schemes “uneasy”, say lawyers.