Latest articles from Katie Morley

Webb comes under fire for rejecting reform proposal

Former pensions minister Malcolm Wicks has attacked Steve Webb after he dismissed calls to link the state pension age to years of working service.

LGPS Hutton savings offset by £45m admin bill

Hutton, John

Public sector employers face a previously unforeseen multi-million-pound auto-enrolment administration bill.

From gilts to growth: QE leads to major sell-off

Quantitative easing has seen at least five multi-billion-pound schemes offload gilts worth 5% of their portfolios, to buy growth assets

Enrolment costing tool leaves charities wrought

Baby - to symbolise birth of website

Auto-enrolment will cost the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) up to £1m, the charity has discovered

Exec pensions of half annual salary exposed

Companies giving executive directors excessive cash sums via in-lieu-of-pension payments will be condemned by the High Pay Commission report due later this month.

Victims or villains?

Few people are more angry about auto-enrolment than Mike Cherry, policy chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses. Katie Morley listens to his concerns

Webb squares up to Treasury over £7bn windfall

Pensions minister Steve Webb faces a battle with the Treasury to use the £7bn windfall from abolishing contracting-out to gradually phase in the reform.

'Deferred pay' to leave thousands below minimum wage

Nearly half a million employees will receive take-home pay of less than the national minimum wage when they are auto-enrolled into pension schemes.

Opt-out rate will exceed govt estimates

Around 45% of staff will opt out of schemes post auto-enrolment, a government adviser on the policy has told PW.

Employers predict 20% auto enrolment opt outs

Two thirds of UK companies believe at least 20% of their staff will opt out of pensions, when they are auto enroled from next year.