Latest articles from James Redgrave

Ignis brings tailored LDI offering to market

Ignis Asset Management has launched a bespoke liability-driven investment (LDI) offering based on its parent company’s insurance portfolio.

Webb hints at CPI bond rule-out

The Treasury is reluctant to take on pension scheme longevity risk in the form of CPI linked bonds, according to Steve Webb.

Webb wants default small pot transfers

Webb, Steve 1

The government is committed to setting a size below which pots will follow employers between jobs.

Government faces union battle over Royal Mail deficit

The government is under pressure to stump up more than £1bn for a pot to help meet the Royal Mail Pension Plan deficit reduction.

PPF demands BoE issue CPI-linked gilts

A liquid market in CPI-linked gilts would save the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) £2bn over the next 20 years, the lifeboat scheme has claimed

Friends Life announces wrap details

Friends Life is aiming to add group life and protection to its 'My Money' platform in 2012.

God in the governance machine

James Redgrave

If the Bible is to be believed, when God gave Adam responsibility for naming and caring for the animals in the Garden of Eden he made a mistake, which God was forced to rectify with Adam and Eve’s expulsion.

Apathy over colossal governance failures

City skyline

Pension funds are “alarmingly relaxed” about just 2% of FTSE 350 firms having been compliant with the Financial Reporting Council’s combined code over the past decade.

FSB launches group scheme

The Federation of Small Businesses has launched its own multi-employer scheme to rival the National Employment Savings Trust (Nest).

Wage and job gloom hit DC numbers

The recession and sluggish recovery since 2008 have seen defined contribution (DC) membership flatline.