Latest articles from Fiona Matthews

Annuity v drawdown: Dispelling myths

From the blog: The lead-up to the launch of the pension reforms in April last year created pent-up demand in the market, resulting in many opting to take advantage of the new freedoms and draw down a lump sum.


It is no surprise then that during this time there was a drop in annuity purchases.


However, recent reports state that pension savers are now opting for annuities as their primary retirement investment, rather than drawdown. In fact, the ABI’s pension freedom statistics show the proportion of people purchasing annuities has been steadily increasing.


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The top three pension priorities

From the blog: With the introduction of the pension freedoms in April 2015, employees were given far greater flexibility to draw down their pension pot.


But, despite it being nearly a year since the freedoms, many people are still unaware of just how their options have broadened.


As schemes and businesses continue to incorporate this evolving landscape into their offerings, here are some priorities for the pension market in 2016.


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Why employers should facilitate a drawdown route for employees

Fiona Matthews

From the blog: Since the pension reforms were introduced in April 2015, retirement is being talked about more than ever before. This is mainly because these laws will affect almost every employee and employer.

It was interesting to find out from our recent research that many employers are not offering these new drawdown options to their staff.

Only 43 per cent of employers plan to offer a drawdown option as part of their pension plan, even though 87 per cent of employers believe their staff will want to access some or all of their pension after the age of 55.

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