Latest articles from David Rowley

Nest claims voice recognition telephone software is sound

Jones, Tim (Nest) 160712

Tim Jones has ridiculed perceptions of the National Employment Savings Trust as a ‘no frills’ provider by hailing the launch of its opt-out software.

Morris free but Pitcher behind bars

Southwark Crown Court

Tony Morris has been found not guilty of defrauding nine pension funds of £52m, but his business associate Graham Pitcher has been jailed.

London LGPSs recoil at suggestion of merger

City skyline

Representatives of London local government pension schemes broadly rejected a merger, but backed greater shared services at a debate at City Hall.

Concern over funding levels boosts need for unification

‘Dangerously’ low funding levels for some local government pension schemes shows a need for a London merger, according to Mike Taylor.

Fund aims to limit QE shock on annuity cost

F&C Asset Management has launched what it claims are the first glidepath funds for defined contribution schemes with annuity price protection.

Editorial: through a glass, darkly

David Rowley

When sitting down with one of the UK’s leading investment consultants, the first question I had was what impact, if any, these Libor shenanigans had on pension funds.

Pensions decoder: smart thinking


Communication and investments have become irrevocably entwined in the general rethink about how to make auto-enrolment work.

DB saved for 100,000 at The Co-op

A 96 per cent funding ratio and a two-year delay on membership has enabled The Co-operative Group to keep defined benefit open post auto-enrolment.

Editorial: I'm all right, Jack...

Rowley, David Editorial NEW

A peculiar feature of Britain’s last really gloomy economic period was that while many people suffered for others, standards of living inexorably rose – something that is not really happening now.

Video: buy-outs steady despite gilt yield fall

Matt Barnes and David Rowley

With the cost of buyout being relatively high why has Pension Corporation had one of its best half year results so far? Matt Barnes talks to Pensions Week editor David Rowley