Latest articles from David Rowley

Editorial: work, work, more work and pensions

The last three weekends have been spent in the office. We are in transition between staff leaving and joining, and there is work that has just got to be done.

Managers unleash fee assault to win mandates


A price war is escalating between passive equity managers seeking to gain scale in pension assets.

Infrastructure makes in-roads

Osborne, George Aug 2012

Infrastructure investing for pension funds is to receive a double boost in the coming months.

Confusion reigns over passive equity charges

The two largest passive equity managers for UK pension funds are defending themselves from aggressive pricing by emphasising the relative transparency of their fees.

Editorial: Money’s not too tight to mention

Talking about your salary or the fees you charge in public is not a done thing.

LGPS tightens screws on fund manager fees

Money in hand

A string of local government pension schemes have succeeded in negotiating cuts in fund management fees of between 5-10 per cent this year.

Royal Mail to seize opportunity in bank debt

The Royal Mail Pension Plan is to make a 2 per cent (£50m) allocation to private debt as opportunities arise from banks cutting their loan books.

Editorial: Gunslingers for hire

Jane Newell OBE is heading off into the sunset after helping secure a Hollywood-style ending for the Royal Mail Pension Plan.

In depth: fury and strife

InDepth Bolton, David (Dawson Int)

The PPF may not have limitless cash to help beleaguered schemes, but the disappointed chair of cashmere firm Dawson believes its decision-making could be a lot clearer, says David Rowley.

Regulator takes aim with first pre-bankruptcy FSD

The Pensions Regulator is under pressure to issue its first financial support direction (FSD) to a solvent sponsor, PW understands.