Latest articles from Benjamin Mercer*

Eviction ‘holiday’ poses threat to schemes’ property investments

The government’s extension of a measure designed to provide relief to struggling tenants could adversely affect pension scheme property investments, especially where the scheme acts as a landlord, experts have warned.

DB schemes with ‘clean bill of health’ before pandemic

Data crunch: High levels of hedging, integrated approaches to risk management, long-term targets and clearly defined journey plans all made for sepia-tinted tranche 14 valuations. 

Covid and regulatory burdens push building society to outsource scheme

With the work of lay trustees becoming more complex, and the pandemic highlighting other areas in need of sponsors’ attention, the Furness Building Society has opted to outsource services for its defined benefit scheme, a trend that is expected to accelerate.

TPR’s new guidance on mandatory AE reporting causes confusion

Updated guidance from the Pensions Regulator will see the 90-day limit for reporting late payments becoming mandatory from April 2021. However, the wording of the guidance has caused some confusion, with schemes being asked to make the adjustment for January 1.

Mercer launches DB master trust as demand for consolidation increases

Mercer has launched a new defined benefit master trust promising sponsors enhanced governance and economies of scale, amid an accelerating trend towards consolidation and outsourced solutions, with pensions minister Guy Opperman stating that “bigger is better”.

Credit downgrades pose ‘serious challenge’ for pension schemes

On the go: A decrease in the average credit quality of fixed income indices, coupled with increased competition for high-quality assets, poses significant challenges for pensions schemes, according to Axa Investment Managers.

DB schemes over-reliant on ‘historically improbable’ returns

On the go: Underfunded defined benefit schemes in the UK will require “once-in-a-century” equity performance if they are to avoid carrying their funding gaps well into the 2030s, according to a new report from Willis Towers Watson.

Global Pensions Wrap: September edition


Our monthly roundup of the best international pensions stories published by the FT’s outlets, featuring US public pensions facing soaring funding gaps, schemes suing McDonalds over allegedly toxic work culture, and a new report casting doubt on the outperformance of sustainable funds.

Rail sector pension plan staring down £15bn black hole

On the go: The largest pension scheme serving the UK’s rail sector is standing on the event horizon of a £15bn black hole created by changes to its funding rules, the Financial Times has reported.

Bulk annuity volumes hit £12.6bn in H1 2020

On the go: Total buy-in and buyout volumes reached £12.6bn in the first half of this year, the second-highest value on record, according to analysis published by LCP.