Latest articles from Steve Bee

Pensions conversations: the winter of our discontent

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The pensions guru is flummoxed by constant change...

Pension conversations: the myth of tax relief...revisited

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Steve Bee returns to where it all started – the first ever Pensions Conversations – and finds that some things never change.

Pensions conversations: A-day Mayday!

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Steve Bee highlights the irony hidden within years of pension reforms...

Pensions conversations: R.I.P. A-Day (2006-2012)

Steve Bee says goodbye to simplification after six years without much reform.

Pensions conversations: 'I read the news today, oh boy'

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Steve Bee muses over the phased increases in state pension age...

Pensions conversations: the transference of risk

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Steve Bee looks back at the rise in popularity of cash balance schemes in the US and compares it with the emergence of enhanced DC in the UK.

Pensions conversations: accidental accrual

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Steve Bee illustrates that it is finally dawning on baby-boomers what the dusk of DB means for their children...

Pensions conversations: pension priorities

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Steve Bee questions the expedience of the auto-enrolment reforms...

Pensions conversations: there's no success like failure...and failure's no success at all

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This week, Steve Bee discusses how the combination of auto-enrolment and means-testing could spell disaster.

Pensions conversations: complification continued

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Pensions take as long to understand as it does to build up a decent-sized pot. Thank goodness they're for old folk, says Steve Bee.