Latest articles from Charlie Thomas

Adviser studies show longevity on the rise

Three sets of consultant data have revealed rises in longevity assumptions

Legal case sees Mercer parent facing downgrade

Standard & Poor’s has downgraded Mercer parent Marsh & McLennan’s (MMC) outlook to negative, citing risks to the company’s reputation from a legal settlement.

EMI dispute headed for regulator

The ongoing funding dispute between private equity house Terra Firma and music giant EMI's trustees is set to face the Pensions Regulator's determinations panel.

UK must prepare for another round of QE

Increased pressure on the UK’s finances will lead to another round of quantitative easing (QE) by the end of the year, according to pensions experts.

NAPF deems taxation method ‘fundamentally flawed’

The National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) has submitted five key pledges to the Treasury ahead of the Budget announcement on June 22.

Regulator uneasy with BT plan to pay off deficit

BT has agreed to a 17-year payment plan for its £9bn deficit, following talks with its trustees.

Nest talks to online annuity provider

A new annuity service provider could be the answer to the National Employment Savings Trust’s (Nest) decumulation worries.