Latest articles from Francois Barker

PPF as consolidator poses unanswered questions


PPF as consolidator raises questions

Making the Lisa work

Francois Barker

From the blog: The Lifetime Isa announced last month has raised fears that lower earners will opt out of auto-enrolment, seduced by the Lisa’s greater accessibility and apparent simplicity. 


Early research by Now Pensions suggests these concerns are well-founded, with nearly 10 per cent of respondents saying they would switch their savings from an auto-enrolment vehicle into a Lisa. 


Many will rightly blanch at this prospect.

How DC trustees can determine 'good value'

Francois Barker

From the blog: Trustees of occupational pension schemes that provide money purchase benefits are now required to assess and report annually on the extent to which member-borne charges and transaction costs under their scheme represent good value for members.

While trustees are under a legal obligation to do this, there is currently very limited regulation on how they should go about it.

So, what do trustees need to consider? 

Click here to read the full blog post

10 points every IGC should consider when judging VFM

Barker, Francois (Eversheds) TEASER

From the blog: Independent governance committees have been tasked with assessing the value for money of their provider’s workplace personal pension plans.

But most IGCs are currently grappling with the issue of what value for money means and how they should assess it

So, what would be reasonable for IGCs to consider when assessing value for money? 

Click here to read full blog post

Top 10 legal tips for employers implementing auto-enrolment

Eversheds' Francois Barker and Tim Smith set out their top 10 legal tips for employers working through auto-enrolment, in this week's Technical View.

Francois Barker & James Ellis: the mysteries of pensions legislation

Barker Francois (Eversheds)

Why doesn’t legislation – in this case the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 and the automatic-enrolment legislation - join up properly?